Grants Awarded for Design of Two Environmental Educational Programs
We are happy to report that Katalapi Park Foundation will be collaborating this year in the design of educational programs for two projects to be financed by the Environmental Protection Fund of the Environment Ministry. “More Forest, More Water: Education for the Conservation of the Natural Patrimony” was awarded to the Parents’ Association of the Arturo Prat school of Puerto Montt. The project will create and execute an educational program to highlight the importance of the temperate rainforest in absorbing and retaining water. The second project, ““Theümülh-Chumaiwen, a Living Fossil in Danger of Extinction” was awarded to the Kume Mongen Association of Puerto Montt. It aims to integrate the native Mapuche cosmovision with an inter-cultural educational program centered around the “monito del monte”, one of Chile’s 3 native marsupials, an endangered species present in significant numbers in Katalapi Park.